Undiksha Library received a visit from CV Murangkalih Mandiri represented by Mrs. Ghina Wishaliani Putri in order to sign a work package for ready-to-serve book assistance by the National Library to Undiksha Library. Books as many as 500 ( Titles) / 1000 copies were received at Undiksha Library by Madya Librarian Mr. Made Putra Subagia Antara in the Undiksha library processing room on Wednesday, August 10, 2022.
The handover was also witnessed by Mr. Wayan Sugita and Mr. Ketut Artana (Madya Librarian). The addition of this book enriches the choice of undiksha library users, which until now has a collection of 19,118 titles and 51,000 copies. The addition of this collection is expected to increase references for the Undiksha academic community.